Offshore Week 2023

Fifteen yachts Entered Offshore Rally 2023. A briefing was held in the club bar on Thursday 29th June signalling the start of this year’s rally. Organiser Kelvin Hull introduced the skippers handed out their battle flags.

I Say Ding Dong (Rob Fletcher) made her way to Torquay, but an engine problem prevented her starting the race instead of heading across the channel. Two other boats had to pull out for personal reasons.

Eleven yachts were ready for the off with Mary Gurine 7.00, but as the bay was waiting for the wind to fill in the yachts motored to Berry Head for the first start of the week. A full range of conditions were experienced as we headed for St Peterport escorted by dolphins. Before mid-channel the wind and sea state increased, and much reefing took place. Gusto decided to return to Brixham with a couple of crew looking like Shrek! Amares had some minor gear damage and returned to Torquay. The remaining nine yachts experienced a wet, windy and “lumpy” trip akin to being in a washing machine! All arrived in St Peterport wet and exhilarated. The battle for line honours lasted for the duration of the crossing with New Moon 2, White Tiger and La Fleche within 200m of each other all the way across the channel and each taking the lead at some point. Eventually New Moon took line honours with the other 3 boats hot on her heals and finishing within 100 seconds of the leader. On Corrected time first place for IRC went to Hope and YTC class to La Fleche.

Saturday saw improved conditions and a superb sleigh ride in sunshine from Guernsey to Jersey with Hope taking her second IRC victory, although only by three seconds this time from Venerable Penguin who found a new code zero in 25 Knots to be most effective. Outrageous having recovered from the longest ever time to cross the channel began her string of excellent results with first place in YTC.

On Sunday the fleet headed for Granville.  A great sailing day with good wind and brilliant sun all the way and spinnakers flying. In IRC Hope continued her impressive run with White tiger being bridesmaid for the second time. Outrageous continued her winning streak in the YTC fleet.

Monday saw a day of rest and recouperation. Boats were dried out French cuisine was enjoyed. And the evening saw the traditional pontoon party.

Papillon and Amares skippers who had left their boats in Torquay came over by car and joined us; not wanting to miss a great party.

On Tuesday the fleet sailed west past Mont San Michel and St Malo before the wind turned off and led to a very tricky approach to St Cast. Every wind angle followed with some boats beating and some setting spinnakers to the finish. Hope and Outrageous continued their brilliant results with New Moon 2 in IRC and La Fleche in YTC coming in second.

Great lay day followed on Wednesday with St Cast being enjoyed by all crews. 

Tim Whitehead from New Moon 2 organised a very enjoyable quiz in the early evening attended by all crews before dispersing to various hostelries around the town.

Thursday the fleet returned North to St Peterport but with insufficient wind to race, all the fleet enjoyed and engineering lecture over the VHF as Outrageous performed an engine rebuild (well a replaced fan belt) on route. Full marks to them for having spare parts and tools for the job. Another lay day was enjoyed by all in St Peterport with the fit and healthy hiring (electric) bikes and the less fit taking round the island bus rides the rest of us sat recovering in the sunshine.

In the early evening we had a recognition prize giving for boats that “stood out” among the others.

Following a good night out Saturday saw the fleet attempting to race out of the Little Russel in 2-4 knots of wind. Hope and Lady D were the first two to pull the plug and start the donkeys with Penguin not far behind. Eventually all boats were forced to retire as the time limit was looming. Luna was the last one to pull the plug and motor home.

We had a couple of very wet rain showers and low visibility through the shipping lanes – thank heavens for AIS! Jaldi headed back to Dartmouth and Luna To Plymouth; all boats were safely berthed by late Saturday 8th July having had a fabulous week of very varied conditions. Dry to wet, cool to very hot, flat calm to very windy. During the week we all made new friends and reacquainted with others.

Great thanks to all competitor and crew.

Kelvin Hull

Off Shore Week Event organiser and Race officer