Motorboat & Cruising Group – Beach Barbeque

Despite rain showers early morning, the sun was shining as we left Torquay Harbour for our Beach BBQ at Scabbacombe Bay just before 1100hrs. With 6 club boats participating we dropped anchor at low water and got our barbeque gear, food and drinks ready for going ashore.

The challenge was that only the Skipper of Whisper had a dinghy and outboard to act as a water taxi service for nearly 20 people. But with his typical can-do attitude Martin Godfrey performed an excellent service for each boat making sure everyone got ashore safely.

Scabbacombe Bay includes a secluded beach with no road access, making it ideal for a barbeque together with good company and good food, and with Gabriella and Miranda even going for a swim to cool down. David Rowe won the tastiest morsel of meat award with his succulent fillet steaks. Whilst Carol Bentley demonstrated some alternative cooking with a vegan only menu on the grill.

After 3 hours socialising ashore we slowly made our way back onboard after some good conversation and catching up with members. But after experiencing a dysfunctional outboard, Martin had his hands full rowing the dinghy with herculean effort to ferry members to their respective boats. The day was a fun time for all and we hope to repeat with another beach BBQ in August – that will include a club safety rib to act as a water-taxi.