
Cruise to Plymouth

Royal Torbay Yacht Club 12 Beacon Terrace, Torquay

Motorboat & Cruising group - Cruise to Plymouth for 2 nights with reserved marina berthing. Options for extending cruise to South-West ports of call (Event TBC)

RYA Powerboat Level 2 – FULLY BOOKED

Royal Torbay Yacht Club 12 Beacon Terrace, Torquay

If you would like to purchase the RYA Powerboat Handbook, we have them in our shop here

£175 – £250

Squadron 13 – Afternoon Racing Series 2

Royal Torbay Yacht Club 12 Beacon Terrace, Torquay

Afternoon racing series is always after a morning session. Therefore these dates are on the water all day with the racing being held in the afternoon. Please note the exception ...