Easter Cruise to Dartmouth

Bright Easter sunshine, with a smooth sea, fair tide and healthy breeze offered opportunity to enjoy our first cruise of the season. Club Burgees and Blue Ensigns were proudly flown as 9 member boats arrived in Dartmouth early afternoon on Good Friday at low water springs. There were no worries with depth on the Inner Town Quay due to recent dredging and berthing was made easier with ample hands to take lines and assist with rafting up.

The following two days was then a mixture of socialising with onboard hospitality and having our evening meals together ashore. Similar to last season there was a strong canine presence at all times from well behaved sea-dogs. Some members found time to explore with walks around town and along the nearby coast.

Saturday morning was interesting when the RNLI evacuated the town quay after Pilgrim, the 127 year old restored Brixham sailing trawler berthed on the outer town quay with its huge mizzen mast leaning badly astern and in danger of collapsing. Thankfully the situation was quickly brought under control.

The planned 3-night stay was reduced to 2 nights as the weather forecast for a return home on Bank Holiday Monday looked foul. Therefore on Sunday morning we departed from Dartmouth to experience a moderate swell from the south-east, with the odd rogue wave to keep those taking the helm on their toes. All vessels arrived safely in Torquay with Jupiter managing the sail the whole distance from the Mewstone.

Due to a planned lift-out for Whisper at Darthaven Marina, the Cruising Captain was left all alone in Dartmouth on Sunday night but was still able to happily reminisce on another successfully organised cruise for the RTYC – well done to Martin Godfrey.

Click here to see the list of future events on the Motorboat & Cruising Calendar and a slideshow from the weekend