COVID-19 Update (4th November 2020)

Due to the Government mandated national lockdown in England the Club is now closed until at least Wednesday 2nd December assuming there are no further restrictions imposed in the meantime.

Current advice appears to mean that organised sailing activity must be suspended during this period, the Sailing Committee will communicate to the members separately on this matter.

Our Club kitchen continues to offer delicious home-cooked meals delivered to your door throughout lockdown, for more information visit the N.12 Deliveries page.

Our Club Office will be open for telephone and email enquiries only on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings between 9 am – 12 pm.

We urge all our members to stay safe during the lockdown period, and look forward to seeing you again when we re-surface on the other side!

This text has been adapted from a more detailed message from the Royal Torbay Yacht Club Commodore which also addresses issues such as membership subscriptions. If you would like to read the text in full click here.