COVID-19 Update (31st December 2020)

With Torbay now in Tier 3 restrictions from midnight on 30th December, the Club is unfortunately required to close the bar and restaurant once again with immediate effect.

Club Racing is not affected by the tier change and is planned to continue in the “Tier 2 Racing” format we have been successfully running for the past few weeks. The New Years Day race is currently scheduled to go ahead as with some good (albeit chilly) weather promised! More details, including supplementary sailing instructions, can be found on the Club website.

The Club Office will re-open on Monday 4th January and then continue to open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to 12 pm for telephone, email and in-person enquiries. There will be additional measures to minimise contact if we have more than one visitor at a time.

With the restaurant’s enforced closure, meal deliveries continue just as they have been for most of the year. Although there will be no Sunday Roasts served at the Club; they are still available to order online for delivery on Sundays. More details along with the full menu can be found on the Club website.