COVID-19 Update (25th September 2020)

You will no doubt already be aware that just as a glimmer of normality was starting to return, the recent rise in COVID cases has led to a new round of Government restrictions.

The Officers, Committees and staff are working hard to steer the Club through what is an extremely challenging time for all of us, and I must ask the members for their co-operation and support in complying with the latest regulations.

Please read the following carefully, it contains essential information concerning access to Club facilities with immediate effect:


  • Members and their guests must wear a face-covering upon entry to the building. You must keep your face covering on until you are seated and eating or drinking. Our current understanding is this applies equally in the garden as well as indoors.
  • The showers and changing rooms remain open; face coverings must be worn at all times unless showering.
  • Club staff will also be wearing a face-covering whenever they are in a public area of the building, or behind the bar.

Bar and Catering

  • Our bar and catering remain open, and members are encouraged to make use of the facilities as much as possible. We are confident the Club offers a safe environment for members who may otherwise be hesitant to eat or drink in more crowded establishments in town.
  • All food and drink is now table service only – you must not approach the bar or kitchen unless invited to do so by a member of staff. Table service may be a little slower than service at the bar at times and we ask for your patience and understanding.
  • The rule of six applies. The maximum size of any group or booking is six people (from up to six households). Groups must not mix or mingle.
  • Once you are seated and eating or drinking you may remove your face covering, however, once you are finished or need to get up for any reason then you must put your face covering back on.
  • We are using the scanning of membership cards at the door and tills to avoid inconveniencing members with completing NHS Test & Trace forms. However, if you do not have your membership card with you, you will be required to either complete a form orm you can of course, should you wish, use the NHS COVID-19 App. There are copies of our unique QR code displayed around the building.
  • The Bar and Restaurant must close, and the premises be vacated by 22:00; last orders will be called at 21:30 without exception.

All of this has been put in place for the Club to be compliant with what is now law. Whatever your own opinion of the restrictions, the Club is bound to implement and enforce these rules. Please do not put the Club at risk or make the job of Club staff harder than it already is by disregarding these rules. To do otherwise puts the Club at risk for all of us.

On a personal level, I would like to thank you all for your continued support through this unprecedented period. The Management Committee are looking at ways this can be rewarded when memberships come up for renewal and further information will follow later in the Autumn.

Phil Rumbelow