Club Racing 2020

The club racing programme for 2020 offers a whole range of new and exciting opportunities with more races scheduled, all weekend racing now on Sunday mornings, closer co-operation with other local clubs and a new 20 race series for Junior Sailors – read on for more details.

The popular WEDNESDAY EVENING series for all classes continues in the same format with 24 races over 4 series plus a Crews Race (June 24th) scheduled.

All weekend racing will take place on Sunday mornings and by joining up with Paignton Sailing Club everyone can look forward to keen competitive racing and in greater numbers. There are six series with each club running two series and two series shared, full details can be found in the sailing programme. A total of 66 races are scheduled with both combined and individual club results being produced for each series.

It is intended that PY Dinghy racing will take place in the bay equidistant from both harbours whenever possible and conditions permitting. An RTYC club rib will accompany dinghies where races are organised by Paignton Sailing Club. All combined racing will be governed by the respective clubs NOR and SI’s and whilst every effort will be made to ensure a common approach, sailors are advised to familiarise themselves with each club’s publications available from their websites.

There are also great opportunities (and at no extra cost) for members to join in the three Paignton one-off races, all detailed in the club racing programme. Also featured are two Sailing South West events, the Torbay Tornado on March 21st and the 2.5 hrs Pursuit Race on December 6th at Paignton, these two events are subject to separate entry fees as are POSH and the two club regattas.

All clubs in the bay have agreed to encourage participation the three regattas POSH May 9th – 10th, Brixham Dinghy Regatta July 11th – 12th and our own Torbay Royal Regatta August 21st – 23rd.

Weekend racing will be on specified Saturdays as part of the exciting Squadron 13 programme, this includes a series of 10 days of coached racing with 20 races in which they can practice and develop their skills in a structured and safe environment. Juniors will continue to race as part of the Wednesday Evening series and we look forward to seeing increasing participation during the year as they gain both experience and confidence.

Weekend racing will now take place on Sunday mornings, all racing organised by RTYC with 6 series and a total of 62 races scheduled plus Sprint Races.

Sunday racing continues unchanged. The Combined Clubs Coastal Series of 5 races for both IRC and SWYTC are included in the club programme. NOR and SI’s available from the website of organising clubs.

The Dutyman system is being reviewed in line with the new sailing programme with new administrators Tania Hutchings and Jules Waddington taking on this task. The club is indebted to Tania and Jules for stepping forward and to ensure the smooth and safe running of this extensive racing programme the Sailing Committee seeks the co-operation and commitment of all in complying with the requirements of NOR 3.7 (Dutyman Rota).